Do Google Ads Help SEO? You’ll Be Surprised.

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with questions, especially when it comes to balancing your budget and efforts. One question we often encounter at Loudachris is, “Do Google Ads help SEO?” It’s high time to pull the curtain back and reveal how Google Ads and SEO interact. If you’ve found this article, it’s a testament to our expertise in SEO – that’s how you found us, after all.

Understanding Google Ads and SEO

To understand if Google Ads help SEO, we must first appreciate what these terms mean. Google Ads are pay-per-click advertisements appearing in Google’s search results and partner websites. On the other hand, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a strategy employed to improve organic search engine rankings, thereby increasing visibility and driving website traffic.

At Loudachris, we strive to leverage both these digital marketing tools to achieve the best results for our clients. By visiting our concrete results page, you can see first-hand how we’ve helped businesses grow using these strategies.

How do Google Ads Impact SEO?

You might wonder how paid ads could influence something like SEO, which is fundamentally organic. Google maintains that Google Ads do not directly improve organic search rankings. However, they can complement your SEO strategies in several ways.

For instance, Google Ads give immediate visibility, driving more traffic to your website. More traffic means more data, and this data is invaluable for SEO. Understanding what users are searching for and how they behave on your site can inform your SEO strategies, leading to improved organic rankings over time.

We can confidently say, therefore, that while Google Ads might not directly boost SEO, they certainly can aid your SEO efforts indirectly.

Can Google Ads Improve Organic Search Rankings?

As discussed above, Google Ads themselves do not directly improve your site’s organic search rankings. However, the indirect impact cannot be overlooked. Consider a scenario where a user clicks on your Google ad, lands on your page, and finds the content valuable. They might then share your page on social media or link to it from their website. These backlinks do improve your site’s organic search ranking, and they happened because of the initial visibility provided by Google Ads.

Remember, it’s all about creating an ecosystem where your Google Ads and SEO efforts can support each other. At Loudachris, we’ve perfected the art of creating this digital marketing ecosystem.

The Synergy Between Google Ads and SEO

Google Ads and SEO aren’t rivals—they’re teammates. Google Ads offer instant visibility, while SEO builds lasting organic growth. By integrating these two, we can craft a robust digital marketing strategy that covers all bases.

One example of this synergy is keyword consistency. If certain keywords perform well in your Google Ads campaigns, incorporating them into your SEO strategy can be beneficial. This consistency can offer a better user experience, as visitors coming from your ads will find relevant content on your site. It’s this kind of strategic integration that we at Loudachris offer our clients through our Google Ads services.

So, if you’re a small business owner, should you focus more on Google Ads or SEO? It’s not a simple choice, as both offer unique benefits.

Google Ads provide instant results, enabling you to target specific demographics, locations, and even times of day. On the downside, these results disappear as soon as you stop funding your ads. SEO, in contrast, takes time but provides sustainable, long-term results. Organic search results also tend to be more trusted by users. They are less likely to click away from your site, leading to potentially higher conversion rates.

However, as we’ve discussed, it’s not about choosing between Google Ads and SEO; it’s about integrating them effectively. For example, you could use Google Ads to drive traffic and visibility while you are ramping up your SEO efforts. Once your site begins to rank organically, you can adjust your Google Ads strategy to focus on other key areas.

To truly make the most of these tools, you need to understand them thoroughly. That’s where we at Loudachris come in. We help our clients navigate the complex landscape of digital marketing, so their businesses can thrive online.

The Drawbacks of Relying Solely on Google Ads

While Google Ads can offer many benefits, there are potential drawbacks to relying solely on them for online presence. The most significant is the cost. Google Ads operates on a bidding system, so depending on your industry and keywords, the cost can be substantial.

There’s also the issue of ad blindness. Many web users have become adept at ignoring paid ads, either consciously or subconsciously. While Google Ads are undeniably a powerful tool, they shouldn’t be your only strategy. Incorporating SEO ensures that your business maintains visibility even if users ignore or block ads.

Maximising SEO Benefits from Google Ads Campaigns

There are several ways to leverage Google Ads to boost your SEO efforts. For instance, the keyword data from your Google Ads campaigns can provide invaluable insights into what your target audience is looking for. By incorporating these keywords into your SEO strategy, you can improve organic search rankings.

Google Ads also allow for A/B testing of your ad copies. You can use this feature to test different page titles and meta descriptions, then apply the best-performing ones to your SEO. You can find out more about how we at Loudachris use such strategies to maximise results on our blog.

Conclusion: Do Google Ads Help SEO?

In conclusion, while Google Ads do not directly improve your SEO, they can indirectly contribute to your overall SEO strategy. They offer quick visibility, enabling you to gather valuable data and insights. Meanwhile, SEO ensures your long-term online presence, gaining trust and credibility with your audience.

Remember, the digital marketing landscape is ever-changing, and staying ahead requires constant learning and adaptation. That’s where we come in. We at Loudachris are dedicated to helping businesses navigate this landscape effectively, offering a FREE Digital Marketing Audit with an actionable plan.

If you’ve found this article helpful, and you’re considering how Google Ads and SEO can help your business, why not book a free call with us? Let us help you optimise your digital marketing strategy for success.

Can Using Google Ads Impact a Small Business’s SEO?

Using Google Ads for small business can positively impact SEO by increasing website traffic and brand exposure. The increased visibility can lead to more organic backlinks and social signals. Additionally, Google Ads can help businesses target specific keywords and audience demographics, which can improve overall search engine rankings.


How do Google Ads impact SEO?

While Google Ads do not directly improve SEO, they can contribute indirectly. They offer immediate visibility, driving traffic to your site and allowing you to gather valuable user data that can inform your SEO strategies.

Can Google Ads improve organic search rankings?

Google Ads themselves do not directly improve your site’s organic search rankings. However, they can lead to increased visibility and traffic, which can indirectly lead to improved organic search rankings over time.

Is there a direct correlation between Google Ads and SEO performance?

There is no direct correlation between Google Ads and SEO performance. However, data from Google Ads can provide insights that inform and improve your SEO strategies.

Do Google Ads campaigns influence website visibility in search results?

Yes, Google Ads campaigns can significantly increase your website’s visibility in search results. However, this visibility is tied to the active running of your ads. Once you stop your ads, the immediate visibility they provide will also cease.

Can running Google Ads affect organic traffic and click-through rates?

While running Google Ads can increase your overall website traffic, it doesn’t directly increase organic traffic. Click-through rates can also improve with effective Google Ads, but again, these effects are not organic.

Are there any SEO benefits from investing in Google Ads?

Investing in Google Ads can provide indirect SEO benefits. For example, you can gain valuable keyword data and insights from your ad campaigns to inform your SEO strategies.

Should I focus on Google Ads or SEO for better online visibility?

The answer isn’t binary. An effective digital marketing strategy typically involves an integrated approach that leverages both Google Ads for immediate visibility and SEO for long-term, organic growth.

How can I integrate Google Ads and SEO strategies effectively?

Effective integration involves using insights from each to inform the other. For example, successful keywords in your Google Ads campaigns can be incorporated into your SEO strategy, and vice versa.

Are there any best practices for using Google Ads to support SEO efforts?

Best practices include using keyword insights from your Google Ads to inform your SEO strategy, using Google Ads for A/B testing of SEO elements, and using Google Ads to boost visibility while your SEO efforts are ramping up.

What are the potential drawbacks of relying solely on Google Ads for online presence?

Relying solely on Google Ads can lead to high costs and lack of visibility once ads are stopped. Also, with increasing ad blindness among users, relying solely on ads may limit your reach.

Digital marketing is a complex world with many moving parts. Understanding how these parts work together, like Google Ads and SEO, can set your business up for online success. At Loudachris, we’re experts in crafting bespoke digital marketing strategies that meet your specific needs. Whether it’s SEO, Google Ads, or a combination of both, we’re here to help.

To see how we can assist your business, book a free call today and take advantage of our FREE Digital Marketing Audit. Remember, if you’ve made it this far, it’s because we at Loudachris are quite good at SEO. Let us put our skills to work for your business.

Chris Lourenco

Chris Lourenco is the director of Loudachris Digital Marketing, an Adelaide-based SEO, Google Ads, and web design agency. Chris excels in crafting bespoke, results-driven strategies that help businesses get more traffic, leads and sales.

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